
Showing posts from July, 2017

How Trump Gets Away With Lying; As Explained by a Magician

You might wonder how politicians can be so dishonest with so few consequences. Magicians don’t. “How does he just keep lying?” “He can’t possibly get away with this again.” “Why do people still trust him?” Our current administration has shown an unprecedented disregard for the truth, and many Americans are flabbergasted at how few people are disturbed by it. As a former card magician - and therefore someone with a bit of experience deceiving audiences - I have developed some strategies to catch other people in their lies. Magicians are the best liars in the business. Not because they tell the most lies, or the biggest lies, but because they can get away with lies even when you expect them. We all know magic doesn’t exist. We all know that magicians are somehow lying to us when they are performing. And yet, the profession of magician has been around for thousands of years. It’s the same with politicians. Here, I will reveal five tactics magicians and politicians u...

The Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act: A proposed food law with massive implications

The Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act: A proposed food law with massive implications The concerning nutrition law that could soon be on Trump’s desk Why write about this policy now? Currently, the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of the U.S. Government are controlled by Republicans. This essentially means that Republican ideas can become law with little or no input from Democrats. Gleefully, Republican lawmakers are delving into the backlog of ideas that couldn’t be passed through previous governments to find whether they can usher them through the now-favorable political landscape. One idea Republicans may resurrect is the “Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act,” also known as “The Cheeseburger Bill.” While the Bill might not have an immediately harmful effect on Americans, it could generate seriously detrimental consequences over time. The Bill is noteworthy because it has serious political and philosophical implications regarding...